Ruggedman Explains To Naira Marley The Difference Between Slavery And Internet Fraud

Written by on April 23, 2019

Following the backlash from social media users and the #ENDSARS campaign advocate and other, Ruggedman wants Naira Marley to know the difference between slavery and Internet fraud so as not to use it in misleading people. He said;

“If you know about slavery, you go know say Yahoo no be crime”.

Image result for Ruggedman and naira mainly

According to Ruggedman, he said he has friends who are fraudsters and he doesn’t judge them, but they must be ready to face the consequences when they are caught. Going further, the veteran rapper said anyone can get involved in Internet fraud but it doesn’t mean it should be an avenue to disrespect the black race that was sold into slavery.

He wrote:

“@nairamarley My brother, I love your music and all but you need to get one thing clear and do not mislead people. Especially kids on social media. You can do Yahoo all you want, but do not disrespect the part of the black race that were sold into slavery by trying to use it to justify cyber crime. The people who bought slaves died ages ago. If you want to fight that, then start a cause/movement against the British and America. Who ever owned slaves, but stealing the hard earned money of other people isnt about slavery.

You say the Nigerian leaders are looting trillions outta this country, why arent you hacking their accounts and giving back to the people Robin Hood style? I swear I go hail you for that one. But bro respect the black race and dont try to use it to justify cyber crime. E no follow. If it wasnt a crime popo wont be busting boys for it.

Thousands of qualified Nigerians cant get jobs outside Nigeria because of “yahoo”. Their families are suffering.

Young Nigerians are suspect everywhere they go because of “yahoo”. If you want to do it, enjoy. Nobody is stopping you.

But remember that if you do the crime, if you are caught you do the time.
I got friends that are into it, I dont judge.

I got friends who are in jail as we speak for doing it, I dont judge.

All man dey hustle. God bless all our hustles and let’s hold our leaders accountable.

This statement is coming a few days after Naira Marley raised eyebrows with the comments he made about Internet fraud and its relationship to slavery.



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@nairamarley My brother, I love your music and all but you need to get one thing clear and do not mislead people. Especially kids on social media. You can do Yahoo all you want, but do not disrespect the part of the black race that were sold into slavery by trying to use it to justify cyber crime. The people who bought slaves died ages ago. If you want to fight that, then start a cause/movement against the British and America. Who ever owned slaves, but stealing the hard earned money of other people isnt about slavery. You say the Nigerian leaders are looting trillions outta this country, why arent you hacking their accounts and giving back to the people Robin Hood style? I swear I go hail you for that one. But bro respect the black race and dont try to use it to justify cyber crime. E no follow. If it wasnt a crime popo wont be busting boys for it. Thousands of qualified Nigerians cant get jobs outside Nigeria because of “yahoo”. Their families are suffering. Young Nigerians are suspect everywhere they go because of “yahoo”. If you want to do it, enjoy. Nobody is stopping you. But remember that if you do the crime, if you are caught you do the time. I got friends that are into it, I dont judge. I got friends who are in jail as we speak for doing it, I dont judge. All man dey hustle. God bless all our hustles and let’s hold our leaders accountable. #NigeriaMustBeGreatAgain #NigeriaisForUsAllNotForAParticularTribeOrGroup

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