Reminisce Criticizes Money in Music

Written by on December 11, 2024

Reminisce Criticizes Growing Role of Money in Music Industry Success

Renowned Nigerian rapper Reminisce has raised concerns about the increasing influence of money in determining the success of songs within the music industry. Speaking candidly on the “I Said What I Said” podcast, Reminisce expressed his frustration with the industry’s growing trend of prioritizing financial backing over talent and quality music.

Reminisce Criticizes Growing Role of Money in Music Industry Success

Reminisce Criticizes Growing Role of Money in Music Industry Success

The Shift from Talent to Marketing Budgets

Reminisce pointed out that a large marketing budget has now become the key factor in determining a song’s success, often overshadowing the true artistic value of the music itself. He stressed that this shift has made it increasingly difficult for talented artists without substantial financial resources to gain recognition in an industry now driven by money.

“The game has now changed to another phase. The phase where you now have to spend money to get hits. Money now produces hits, not music anymore. That’s the phase we are in now. Whatever song you see [popping], go ask what the marketing budget was. That’s what determines how big a song is. It’s no longer just music anymore,” Reminisce remarked.

Industry Dynamics Under Scrutiny

This statement from Reminisce shines a light on the changing dynamics of the music industry, where marketing budgets increasingly overshadow musical talent. As the industry evolves, the role of financial backing in driving success has raised concerns about its impact on the discovery of fresh, untapped talent.

Reminisce’s comments highlight a growing frustration within the music community as the influence of money continues to reshape the path to success. This trend is prompting discussions on how the industry might adapt in the future and whether a return to prioritizing quality music and artistry is still possible.

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