Sir Shina Peters Ordained Bishop

Written by on December 16, 2024

Legendary Afro-Juju Musician, Sir Shina Peters, Reveals His Divine Ordination as Bishop

In a recent interview, legendary Afro-Juju musician Sir Shina Peters shared the powerful story behind his ordination as a bishop, a moment he describes as a direct response to God’s divine directive.

As reported by the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN), Sir Shina Peters was officially ordained as a bishop at the Cherubim and Seraphim Church of God in the Iju area of Lagos State in 2021. However, the musician revealed that the church’s leadership had received divine instructions regarding his ordination years prior to his acceptance.

According to Peters, “The Almighty God said I should be made the first bishop in the Cherubim and Seraphim Church of God.” He further explained that the Lord emphasized his unique role in integrating hymns into his music and performances, which has helped him win numerous souls for Christ. “God told the church leaders that I am the only musician who consistently uses hymns in my work, which has made a significant impact on spreading the word of God.”

Legendary Afro-Juju Musician, Sir Shina Peters, Reveals His Divine Ordination as Bishop

Legendary Afro-Juju Musician, Sir Shina Peters, Reveals His Divine Ordination as Bishop

Despite initially hesitating to accept the call, Peters admitted that God’s guidance was undeniable, stating, “I tried to dodge the ordination for a while, but God finally got me arrested.” His journey, he says, is one of faith and fulfilment.

Reflecting on his illustrious music career, the Afro-Juju icon expressed immense satisfaction, crediting his growth to divine guidance. “I am fulfilled, I am contented,” he shared. “The only thing I ask now is for greater enlightenment in His word and the grace to draw closer to God.”

Peters also took a moment to honor the memories of those he started his journey with who are no longer with us, expressing deep gratitude for his life and achievements. “I remain grateful to my creator for everything I’ve achieved, by His grace.”

For his fans, Sir Shina Peters promises an exciting future, hinting at something truly special in the works. “They should expect something unusual very soon,” he teased, leaving his followers eager for what’s to come.

Through his music, ministry, and life journey, Sir Shina Peters continues to inspire and spread the message of faith, proving that his influence extends far beyond the music industry.

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