Jim Iyke

Nollywood actor/producer Jim Iyke has revealed that movie producers decided to stop casting him for two years after he stood up for poorly paid Nigerian actors. He made this known while speaking at the International Youth Empowerment Summit in Accra, Ghana, saying that at the time producers and directors were becoming multi-millionaires, while the actors […]

For someone who is in the limelight, Nollywood actor Jim Iyke sure knows how to keep his private life private.   The movie star revealed a whole lot during his interview with Chude Jideonwo on his show #WithChude stating that there are so many things about his life that he has kept away from the […]

On social media, you can drag anyone by their shirts as much as you want while hiding behind your keypad. But there are some set of people you should avoid dragging at all costs, these ones are ever ready to turn your negative comments against you. They will drag you then add your generation and […]

Nigerian actor, Jim Iyke was on a show called “OPEN WITH CERA” on MaxFm and he made a lot of comments on his movie and the Nigerian government. “My movie, #badcomments is not to support government social media regulation and ban”, he also shares the reason behind the making of his new movie “Bad Comments” […]

Actor, Uche Maduaguw has once again attacked Jim Iyke over the release of his new movie, Bad Comment. Uche shared a video on social media stating that Jim Iyke ought to be investigated for spending over N100M on his new movie. He wrote “I was at the cinema because dem talk say you go come […]

Singer, Paul Okoye aka Rudeboy has hailed actor, Jim Iyke, for beating up his colleague in the industry, Uche Maduagwu, over his slanderous bad comment about him. Paul took to his Insta story to share a comment showing this. He wrote:  “Jim Iyke for president na de way forward talk anyhow you go collect anyhow. […]

Actor, Jim Iyke who recently released his new movie, Bad Comment, has played out the storyline of the movie in real life as he recently attacked his colleague, Uche Maduagwu who recently shared a post to troll him on social media. Uche made a post a few days ago calling on EFCC to investigate the […]

Nollywood actor, Jim Iyke recently shared a cute photo of his son JJ. The actor stated that he finds motivation in the behaviors exhibited by his son sometimes, citing that his son exhibits certain mannerisms that reflect who he, the father is. He wrote; “ALL THIS DUDE WANNA DO IS GRAB MY SHADES, DON IT, […]

Jim Iyke shares adorable photo of his son, Harvis Chidubem Veteran actor, James Ikechukwu Esomugha, popularly known as Jim Iyke has taken to Instagram to brag about his son by revealing some unknown things about him. According to the father of one, his son is an exact replica of him. He added that his son, […]

James Ikechukwu Esomugha popularly known as Jim Iyke turns 43years today the 25th of Sept. The actor started his acting career in 2001 and has featured in 100s of Nollywood movies and became one of the highest-paid actors in Nollywood at some point. He was born in Libreville, Gabon to Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Esomugha […]

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