Squid game

[ad_1] Netflix has announced it will be recruiting participants for a reality TV show inspired by its most popular series of all time, Squid Game. The South Korean thriller series tells the story of debt-ridden people competing for a huge cash prize in a deadly series of children’s games. It holds the record as Netflix’s […]

Following the first season’s success, Netflix has officially renewed the South Korean television series ‘Squid Game’ for another season. The American subscription streaming service and production company, Netflix made the announcement with a short teaser and a note from Director Hwang Dong-hyuk. The note reads, “It took 12 years to bring the first season of […]

  Squid Game creator Hwang Dong-hyuk opens up about the ending of season one of the popular Netflix series, and how he struggled between two endings. During an interview, the Korean filmmaker revealed there was another ending that could’ve happened instead of what viewers saw.     In the final moments of the season, Player […]

American production company and streaming platform Netflix have announced the popular Korean television series Squid Game as their biggest TV show launch of all time, with one hundred and eleven million people watching the show since its debut on September 17. According to Netflix, this new record now surpasses the eighty-two million accounts that watched […]

The most talked-about TV series right about now ‘Squid Game’ seems to be getting a lot of buzzes, but what many might not know is that the script had been ready for over ten years and various production houses including Netflix didn’t like it. According to the director, show creator, and writer, Hwang Dong-hyuk it […]

Here are the top five movie recommendations for the weekend. Squid game No one gets out alive Intrusion The Starling Blood and Water   SQUID GAME The nine-part Netflix original involves a group of people from all walks of life who sign up for a series of simple, but utterly lethal games, organized by mysterious […]

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