Ruger faces backlash over controversial tweet targeted at women

Written by on April 19, 2024

Ruger faces backlash over controversial tweet targeted at women

Ruger faces backlash over controversial tweet targeted at women

Nigerian musician Michael Adebayo Olayinka, better known as Ruger, caused a stir online with a now-deleted tweet aimed at women during a boat trip to Ilashe.

In the tweet, Ruger controversially stated, “Anything that leads you onto my boat to Ilashe, your bikini must adjust. It’s not just content you’re coming to film, baby.” The tweet garnered swift condemnation from social media users concerned about its implications for promoting rape culture.

Ruger’s remarks sparked a debate online, with many calling for accountability and awareness regarding such attitudes. Despite the tweet’s deletion, it serves as a reminder of the importance of responsible communication, especially for public figures.

This incident highlights the power and influence of social media in shaping conversations around sensitive issues. As Ruger navigates the fallout from his controversial statement, it underscores the need for artists and influencers to exercise caution and sensitivity in their online interactions.

An X user, Chika jones, wrote: “Ruger once sang – “bounce your body or we bounce you out. Omo no scream no too shout.” I liked the song, and I rationalized the lines. Line 1 – could just be ‘normal’ Naija party talk. Line 2 – could just be sex.

“Then he tweeted and deleted this. Rape culture is insidious.”

@aziening said, “Love that Ruger is allowing himself to be egged on by “fans” on this app. They have nothing to lose. He has the remains of a career that hasn’t even really taken off. When e red, they’ll make noise for him for two days and move on. He should continue.”

In a new post also on X, Ruger claimed a member of his team deleted the post.

He wrote, “I didn’t delete anything ooo. Just woke up and found out someone on my team deleted my tweet. They are paranoid haha. I go retweet am ‘ any girl wey I carry go ilashe go shift bikini. No be only content you come shoot for here baby.” 

In another post, he wrote, “Consent is key.”

Recall that the singer recently parted ways with his former label, accusing them of using his money to fund up-and-coming artists, saying he couldn’t endure that for five more years.

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