Late Osinachi’s sister tells court how the singer’s husband gave her ulcer

Written by on June 24, 2022



The sister of late gospel singer, Osinachi Nwachukwu, Favour Madu, on Monday, June 20, told the Federal Capital Territory High Court, Abuja, that Osinachi developed ulcer after her husband starved her for a long time.

While testifying as a second witness for the prosecution in the alleged culpable homicide case brought against Nwachukwu by the Attorney-General of the Federation’s office, Madu said Nwachukwu treated her sister like an animal and starved her despite being the provider of the house.

“My sister developed ulcer as a result of starvation because Nwachukwu never provided for his family. She was the provider for the family. My sister owns the house they lived in.

He drove her out of the house with their last baby under the rain and it was her first son that got a wrapper to cover the baby.”

The distraught sister told the court that the family referred to Nwachukwu as “Manager” because he had control of everything including her money, and the fear she had for him, made her not to relate well with her family.

“Her husband never treated her well. He treated her like an animal, beat her anyhow, never made her happy and never allowed her to associate with her family. There was a time she went for ministration and when she asked for stage fee, she was told that N2million had been paid into her husband’s account.

He was responsible for booking events, collecting money and only told her to go and minister without giving pocket money. When my father was ill, he wanted to come to Abuja for treatment but the defendant refused and he eventually died.

While travelling for our father’s burial, the defendant slapped her because she complained of how rough he was driving.”she said

During cross-examination, the defence counsel, I A Aliyu, asked how Madu became aware of the occurrences since she was in Enugu but the latter said she became aware of this through telephone conversation she had with her sister.

Aliyu equally asked Madu if the family expected to benefit from her late sister’s finances, and she answered in the affirmative.

When she was asked if she asked what led to her sister’s death at the hospital, she said the defendant prevented the deceased’s twin sister and her brother who were in the hospital from asking the doctors.

The judge, Justice Njideka Nwosu-Iheme, discharged the witness and adjourned the matter to today June 22 for a continuation of the hearing.

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