Busola Dakolo

Busola & Timi Dakolo celebrates their 9th wedding anniversary Singer, Timi Dakola, and his wife, Busola, are celebrating their 9th wedding anniversary. The couple got married in 2012 and have three children. To celebrate their anniversary, they both shared sweet photos with captions filled with love and adoration. Timi marked the occasion by wishing his […]

Nigerian music star, Timi Dakolo’s wife, Busola Dakolo, has shared the update of the rape case she filed against the senior pastor of Commonwealth Of Zion Assembly (COZA), Biodun Fatoyinbo exactly one year ago. Busola Dakolo, in a statement on Instagram, announced that the case filed against Pastor Fatoyinbo has been handed over to the […]

Nollywood actress, Tonto Dikeh, has reacted to the court ruling in the case filed by Busola Dakola against Biodun Fatoyinbo. Busola, who accused Fatoyinbo of molesting her as a teenager had demanded a public apology and N10million cost of action fee. The allegations of rape by singer Timi Dakolo’s wife, Busola, against the popular pastor of […]

Following the rape allegations by singer Timi Dakolo’s wife, Busola, against popular pastor of The Commonwealth of Zion Assembly (COZA) pastor, Biodun Fatoyinbo, which made rounds on social media recently as many popular personalities took a stance on the issue with a number of them clamoring for justice. Nollywood actress, Tonto Dikeh, who was noticeably […]

Commonwealth of Zion Assembly (COZA) senior pastor Biodun Fatoyinbo has reacted to an order mandating him to appear in court following his molestation drama with popular photographer, Busola Dakolo For several months now, the news of Busola Dakolo’s alleged sexual assault by popular pastor, Biodun Fatoyinbo, has had many Nigerians clamor for justice. It further […]

The senior pastor of the Commonwealth of Zion Assembly (COZA), Biodun Fatoyinbo, has been summoned by the Federal High Court Abuja to appear before it within 14 days to answer to the rape allegation levelled against him by Busola Dakolo.  Also to appear in court within 14 days is wife of singer, Timi Dakolo Mrs Dakolo. Busola […]

Apparently the Police investigation into the rape allegation of Busola Dakolo against Pastor Fatoyinbo seems to still be in full gear as reports have it that, the Pastor’s home and office were searched today for pieces of evidence and his international passport was seized by the Police as well. According to a report by Daily […]

We have just received a report that the Senior Pastor of COZA, Pastor Biodun Fatoyinbo has just turned himself in at the police Force CID Headquarters in Abuja for questioning over the rape allegation by Busola Dakolo. We have been made to understand that he might be spending some reasonable amount of time there as […]

Busola Dakolo has raised an alarm of being forced at gun point by the police to sign a letter countering her rape allegations against Pastor Biodun Fatoyinbo. Timi Dakolo’s wife alleged that she was forced into a van by some armed men who ordered her to speak with their superior officer in Pidgin language. Busola […]

Rev. Funke Adejumo has reacted to the rape allegations against Biodun Fatoyinbo, former pastor of COZA. The series of accusations has led to protests and call for him to step down as Pastor of his church. Reverend Funke Adejumo who alongside her husband, Pastor Felix Adejumo was accused of allegedly restraining Pastor Fatoyinbo from reacting […]

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Įdomūs gyvenimo patarimai, receptai ir naudingi straipsniai apie daržą - viskas vienoje vietoje! Naudingi patarimai kaip lengvai išspręsti kasdienes problemas, savo virtuvės paslaptys ir praktiški patarimai, kaip auginant daržoves pasiekti geriausius rezultatus. Čia rasite viską, ko jums reikia, kad jūsų gyvenimas taptų lengvesnis ir skanesnis! Kaip tinkamai prirakinti teto bloką Efektyvus būdas valyti kaitlentės grotelėse susikaupusius riebalus: Mėnulio 2025 m. sausio Kailininkams – nuodai: kodėl niekada negalima duoti katėms Vokietijoje negalima išmesti stiklinių indų: baudos iki 5000 eurų - Tikras laikrodis: protingiausias sprendimas per 8 sekundes Viryklėje kylančios šilumos paslaptis: ryšulėlis kaip efektyvus kuras Kaip išsaugoti tvarką ir gerovę per dvi dienas Kaip jis tapo Nepakartojama Naujametinė Vištiena: Dviejų darbuotojų skirtumai: išsiaiškinkite 3 skirtumus Paprastas ir veiksmingas Sugadintų regėjimą turintiems žmonėms skirtas Vyras atrado tikrą lobyną savo senovinėje Mėsos malimo peilių priežiūra: įprastas būdas, Kuo skiriasi prekės ženklas ir konjakas: paprastas paaiškinimas Kaip elgtis, jei Gatvėje vaikščiojimo taisyklė: kairėje pusėje eina vyras Žiurkės ir pelės niekada nepateks į namus: ekspertas įvardijo Neįtikėtinos Naujųjų metų išvakarės 2025: sumuštiniai, kurie išnyks per „Kodėl Šveicarijoje naktį negalima išleisti vandens į tualetą už Kiek miltelių reikia įdėti 11 sekundžių: raktą 4 maisto produktai, turintys naudingų riebalų širdžiai: specialisto 6 skirtumai: žmogaus akies vyzdas svarbus Nepasisekusio paveikslėlio ieškojimas: klaidą reikia rasti Kraujospūdžio matavimo metu nedarykite Jei ieškote naudingų patarimų ir idėjų, kaip pagerinti savo buitį, bendrauti su šeima arba pasirūpinti savo sodo augalais, tai tinkamas puslapis jums. Čia rasite įvairiausių gyvenimo gudrybių, virtuvės patarimų bei naudingų straipsnių apie daržoves ir vaisius. Skaitykite mūsų patarimus ir tapti tikru meistru savo namuose bei sode!