domestic violence

BBNaija star Soma has found himself at the centre of controversy after his ex-girlfriend Hilda made serious allegations of abuse against him. Hilda, who previously kept quiet about their relationship, took to social media on November 6, 2024, to reveal disturbing details about her time with Soma. She claimed that Soma had drugged, beaten, and […]

American Rapper, Tyga is facing accusations of domestic violence from his ex-girlfriend, Camaryn Swanson. According to reports, the former couple got into it after Camaryn allegedly showed up at his home screaming around 3 am. A source very close to Tyga claims when Camaryn came over after he told her not to, she was in […]

2baba is back in the news after the leaked audio of his wife Annie Idibia threatening 2baba. Recall that there has been a back and forth between Annie and 2baba’s younger brother after Annie claimed the family didn’t love her and that 2baba went to the US and slept under the same roof as his baby mama […]

Abiodun Lincoln, the husband of Nigerian video vixen, Bolanle, has tendered a public apology to her after he called her out on social media. The car dealer went on social media about a week ago, accusing his wife of domestic violence. He later released a video where he admitted to assaulting the popular vixen.   […]

Amidst the rumors of domestic violence between Davido and Chioma, one that allegedly resulted in Davido’s ankle injury, Chioma has put out a statement debunking such claims that there has “Never has there ever been an incident of abuse in my home“ See her statement below; “I know you guys absolutely love to spread all […]

A victim of domestic violence gave permission for his photo and story to be posted on Twitter after the mother of his two kids welcomed him with boiling water because she had insecurity issues. #menabuse #menabuseawarenness #domesticviol

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