kim kardashian

Kim Kardashian recently shared the challenges of raising four kids as a single mom. In a November 12 appearance on Zoe Winkler’s ‘What in the Winkler?’ podcast, she discussed parenting North, 11, Saint, 8, Chicago, 6, and Psalm, 5, without the support of her ex-husband, Ye (formerly Kanye West). Despite having a strong support system, […]

Kim and Khloe Kardashian, along with other global celebrities, flew to India for Mukesh Ambani’s extravagant three-day wedding. Mukesh Ambani’s youngest son, Anant, 29, and his fiancée Radhika Merchant will wed in Mumbai, India’s financial hub. The celebrations, ongoing for months, featured a European cruise for 1,200 guests, a newly built Hindu temple at the […]

American actor and stand-up comedian D.L Hughley apparently isn’t a fan of the new tattoos Pete Davidson just got. Weighing in on Pete Davidson getting a tattoo of Kanye West’s children, the comedian speaking with TMZ said, “It’s his body, it’s his woman, those are Kanye’s kids, that would piss me off. If you put […]

Reality TV star, Kim Kardashian has revealed her ex-husband Kanye West will appear on her new reality show. She shared that her current boyfriend Pete Davison will not feature on the show. According to the reality star, her divorce from Kanye West will be covered in her family’s new Hulu series titled The Kardashians, however, […]

Kim Kardashian made a major fashion statement at Balenciaga’s Paris Fashion Week show on Sunday, March 6. The entrepreneur and reality television star arrived at the brand’s Winter ‘22 show wearing a high-neck bodysuit in the fabric that resembled yellow caution tape. She was almost completely covered in the tape, which featured the Balenciaga logo. […]

And here we go again, on today’s episode of keeping up with the KimYe divorce drama, Kanye has responded to Kim’s recent court filing, where she stated that the rapper is causing her ’emotional distress’ following his excessive usage of Instagram to post private family information. According to the report, Kanye’s legal team is arguing […]

Reality Star Kim Kardashian is asking a judge to get her divorced and make her single as soon as possible.Kim said her husband Kanye West’s Instagram posts are hurting her emotionally, and all she wants now is to move on and co-parent in a healthy manner. In court documents, obtained by TMZ, she said: “I […]

The reality TV star Kim Kardashian has ignored all the Kanye West drama around their nasty divorce and his recent rants about how she’s raising their four children. Kim took to social media to share cute photos of herself and her daughter, North West, rocking matching pink pyjamas. Kim’s sister Khloe also took to her […]

On another episode of Keeping Up with KimYe, Kanye delivered a truckload of roses to his estranged wife Kim Kardashian on Valentine’s Day. The billionaire rapper who has made it clear that he wants his wife back following their separation last year took to his Instagram page where he shared a truck loaded with roses […]

Kanye West has yet again gone on a lengthy rant on Instagram. The rapper and fashion designer posted a series of erratic posts alleging that Kim Kardashian’s current boyfriend, Pete Davidson is the former boyfriend of former US presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton. This came out as a result of Davidson having a tattoo of Clinton […]

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